Hajj 2020 Trip is Cancelled: Updates from EZ Hajj Gr...
As of June 22, 2020, the kingdom's Hajj ministry said the ritual of Hajj, would be open only to individuals of various nationalities residing in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, our Hajj trip this year has been canceled.
بسم الله Date: 1/11/1441 23/06/2020 Assalamu Alaikum, EZ Hajj Groups would like to provide you with our decision on this year’s, 2020 Hajj Season and what that means for your reservations with us. As all of you are well aware of, COVID-19 Pandemic has caused a big shift in the way we live our lives, recently and of course on how we Muslims, perform one of five pillars of our faith, the Hajj Pilgrimage. The broader aspects out of this...
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