Saudi Arabia Suspends Entry for Umrah Due to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Fears, Hajj Updates & Umrah Refunds
Umrah Amid the Coronavirus & Saudi Arabia Cancellation Updates (Covid-19) Scare
Asalam Alkyum Brothers & Sisters,
Inshallah, all is well. As you guys may be aware already, the Saudi Arabian authorities have begun restricting access to the country and have limited access for Umrah Visas & Tourist Visas, alike. Moreover, the fear has led to airline cancellations and a demand shock for the Hajj & Umrah markets. At this time, most flights to Saudi Arabia will only be for Saudi Arabian nationals and people traveling on business or residence visas, until further notice.
Thus, we have concluded to cancel our March Umrah trip for the 2020 year. Emirates airlines, the airlines we have booked our passengers on for the March Umrah trip has allowed for a full refund for all Umrah passengers amid the Covid-19 scare. In addition, we have arranged with all hotels to provide all full refund. We are pleased to inform all of our passengers, that we will be issuing a full refund for your trip with 15-30 business days. It's our duty, here at our EZ Hajj Groups to honor our commitment to our clients and deal with everyone with full transparency and honesty. We will reach out to all Umrah passengers by next week with further details on the refund process and arrangements moving forward. For, the time being we will appreciate your patience and we'll handle this matter, as quickly as possible.
2020 Hajj Amid the Coronavirus (Covid-19) Scare
With all information being assessed, the Hajj 2020 season is still on and inshallah it will not be affected. We will keep all of our clients informed amid any updates with regards to the coronavirus and any news we receive from the Saudi Arabian Authorities in regard to the matter. We appreciate your patience and will keep you updated.
Saudi Airlines Update with regards to Coronavirus and Umrah season
Effective Date
Confirmed tickets, Starting from 26 FEB 2020
End of Application
March 13, 2020
Waiving Period
From effective waiving application date till the end of the last stop waiving date
Applicable To
Flight From/To or Connecting via Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
People Affected
- All passengers with Umrah visa
- Passengers holding confirmed tickets to or from the following countries, or who have visited those countries within the last 14 days. (People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Iran, Italy, Korea Republic, Macao, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Philippines, Singapore, India, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Somalia, Vietnam).
- Saudi and GCC nationals traveling with national ID cards from/to GCC countries (unless currently returning to their country of residence).
After-Sale Services
- Changing the starting point or final destination to the nearest destination in the same area without fees or fare difference for one time only.
- Reroute to any other station (as requested by the guest) without fees and for one time only with the fare difference, if any.
- Refund without fees.
- (Revalidation/ Reissue /No-show/Goshow) without fees or fare differences for one time only.
- Refund/revalidation for ancillary service EMD without fees example: (extra baggage, seat selection…etc.) for one time only.
Link for Further Information: Saudi Airlines Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update
Thank you, for your time.
- EZ Hajj Groups Management